Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mindful Eating? Another Reason NOT to Eat at the Computer

I am so guilty.  Though we already know working with a bowl of candy next to you is a good way to add a few inches to your waist without remembering the culprit, I thought I was fooling the system.  The meals I eat at work are portioned out perfectly ahead of time, so why does it matter if I multi-task lunch and plowing through my to-do list?

Oldham-Cooper and colleagues ad the University of Bristol have brought my logic to a screeching halt.   Apparently mindlessly eating of controlled portions can still sabotage your goals.  In this study, participants were given a standard portion of food to eat at lunch, but one group of participants ate the food and played solitaire, while the other group ate the meal in a quiet room without distractions.

A few hours after the meals, volunteers were asked to both recall the contents of their lunch meal do a "taste test" of cookies.  Those who ate without distractions were able to 1) remember what they ate during the standard lunch meal; and 2) chose to eat fewer cookies during the taste test, as compared to the volunteers who played computer games during lunch.  Apparently it really is better to pay attention to the meal while you're eating it!

Ironically, I'm eating cottage cheese and berries even as I  type now--type a sentence--take a bite--type a sentence.  What can someone do if they're having trouble kicking this habit?

1.  Start by eating the big meals mindfully-- you want to be able to get your body's messages after taking in a substantial amount of energy.  If you typically eat all of your meals in front of the computer, TV, or some other distraction, start with one mindful meal each day and work up from there.

2.  Choose lower calorie fruits and vegetable for your multi-tasking snack.  Eating plain vegetables at the computer or in front of the TV is a great way to turn your "bad" habit into a healthful choice.  If you don't like the experience of eating plain veggies, don't worry--you'll forget the whole thing within a few hours ;-)

Top 10 Eating Tips for Very Active People

10. Primarily anaerobic and/or vegetarian athletes may be more likely to benefit from creatine supplementation

9. Steer clear of packaged snacky foods; focus on fruits, veggies and lean protein for snacks

8.  Limit or avoid alcoholic beverages

7. To limit fat and excess weight gain, consistently sleep at least 7 hours each night

6. Loose weight and fat by timing the majority of high-GI carbohydrate before and after workouts; whole grains, fruits, and non-starchy veggies the rest of the time

5.  Gain lean weight by slowly increasing healthy high-fat snacks (e.g. nuts) and including a high protein snack before bed (cottage cheese w/ berries, lean meat, and low-fat cheese are all good choices)

4.  Plan effective high-carb, moderate protein and low-fat pre-game meals

3.  Minimize eating out and fast-food

2.  Drink water and other flavored low-calorie beverages early and often

1. EAT a low-fat, high-carbohydrate with protein (4:1 ratio) snack after weightlifting

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Smaller Snacks, Bigger Bellies?

Despite a new food guide pyramid, 2010 Dietary Guidelines, and an explosion of weight loss products, there is no sign of obesity relief.  Americans are trading value-based “super-sized” portions for mini versions of junk-food favorites.  But are dwarfed Chips Ahoy and Oreo Cookies really the answer? 

Ask Rita Coelho Do Vale and her crew at Tilburg University in the Netherlands—you’ll probably get a big and giant “NO!”  This research group asked “does having access to several little bags of snacks really make a weight-conscious person able to control his or her intake better?”  In order to find out, the researchers first made half of the participants “weight-conscious” by weighing them in front of a mirror—sounds like fun, right?  Anyway, the other half didn’t have to do this part.  After that the both groups of volunteers were plopped in front of a TV and asked to “rate advertising.”  While watching TV, participants had access to many small packages of chips (like 100 calorie packs) and two large bags of chips.

The people who did not get weighed, and were not prepped to be weight conscious, ate the same amount of chips, independent of whether they chose to eat from the small or large bags.  The participants subjected to the sadistic weighing protocol ate significantly more chips if they chose to start munching on the nine small bags, instead of two large bags.

But what does it all mean?  Essentially, the study results suggest that people who are weight conscious and have access to many tiny portions may be tempted to overeat. Several 100 calorie packs will quickly add up to the same amount of Calorie damage as an ice cream sundae, with only a fraction of the satisfaction.  Does this mean that manufacturers of mini cookie bites are pure evil?  Probably not.  As I told my disgruntled students yesterday in class, 100 Calorie packs aren’t a healthful choice—they are about 100% refined carbohydrates (added sugars and processed grains), and the new 2010 Dietary Guidelines explicitly recommend that we avoid these types of food.  But they there may be a way to include 100 calorie packs without overdoing it if you really enjoy them. 

How can someone include these types of foods in a reasonable way?  Most importantly, do not go for the variety packs, which include an assortment of treats in one package.  Having several small portions of a variety of junk foods is disastrous for the same reasons as belt-busting buffets.  Variety is the spice of life; unfortunately, junk-food variety is a nutrition nightmare.  Research, dating as far back as the 70s and 80s, shows that increased food variety also adds up to more overall calorie intake.  In 1981 Barbara Rolls and pals showed that different sandwich fillings caused people to eat more sandwiches—even boring food will be eaten in excess if there is a lot of variety and easy access.  As such, if you choose to buy 100 calorie packs, go for only one kind of treat.  Also, keep the foods stashed away in the cupboards.  Out of sight…   

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reaching Resolutions—Can it be done?

By: Jean Gutierrez, PhD, RD, CSCS

Every year, millions of people carefully construct New Year's resolutions designed to improve health, fitness or looks. Gyms are full, trainers are busy, and people are motivated to reach their goals. What are the keys to keeping January momentum going all year long?

1. Prioritize

Decide what is most important to you and make it a priority in your life. For example, if working out regularly will be a priority for you, think about what you may need to do to make it possible to exercise on a daily basis. For example, you may need to give up a prime time show in order to make morning workouts a viable option. For some people, the lunch hour may be the only possible time to be active. Find a consistent chunk of time that you can aside every day, and don't let ANYTHING trivial get in the way of your priority for that slot of time.

2. Set attainable and specific goals.

For instance, "I will loose 20 pounds in January" is not realistic. In this case, even if you manage to loose ten or 15 pounds, you may feel like you have failed. Do NOT set yourself up for failure. It is much better to make behavioral goals that will lead to weight loss. For example "I will exercise for 30 minutes 5 days per week and increase this amount by 15 minutes each month until I reach 75 minutes per day" is a reasonable and likely attainable goal that may help you to loose weight over time. But in any case, you’ve definitely established a healthful habit!

Also, make goals specific, for example "I will eat more fruits and vegetables" is too vague. A goal such as "I will eat 3 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables each day" is an attainable and specific goal. You will know at the end of each day if you have succeeded!

3. Do not try to change everything overnight.

It takes a long time (years) to really change habits. Work on a little bit at a time to move in the direction of better health and a healthy weight. Remember, if you simply exercise for 30 minutes each day, you are still doing more than the majority of Americans and making an improved version of yourself! Remember, taking the stairs, parking farther away, etc. all count as activity! Start there!

4. Plan for rest days and your favorite "junk" foods.

Though "I will work out 7 days a week and eat no ice cream the whole year" may sound like a specific, attainable goal, it is mentally fatiguing to be overly-restrictive. Better goals may be "I will only eat out 1 time each week" and the exercise goal stated above.

5. Find a friend

If you have someone counting on you for support, you will be supported also. We all have down days, and having another person to help you get to the gym or eat right on those days will make a difference. If you have a significant other, try to change your habits together-- you'll both live a happier, longer life!

6. Monitor your progress

How do you know if you've reached your goals each day? You can keep a training journal or food journal-- these will both help. I use little monthly calendars that I hang on the fridge. I make my three specific, attainable goals and then check off each day if I made them.

You can make healthful changes that last throughout the year and for a lifetime. Remember to make specific, attainable goals that are a priority in your daily life!