10. Primarily anaerobic and/or vegetarian athletes may be more likely to benefit from creatine supplementation
9. Steer clear of packaged snacky foods; focus on fruits, veggies and lean protein for snacks
8. Limit or avoid alcoholic beverages
7. To limit fat and excess weight gain, consistently sleep at least 7 hours each night
6. Loose weight and fat by timing the majority of high-GI carbohydrate before and after workouts; whole grains, fruits, and non-starchy veggies the rest of the time
5. Gain lean weight by slowly increasing healthy high-fat snacks (e.g. nuts) and including a high protein snack before bed (cottage cheese w/ berries, lean meat, and low-fat cheese are all good choices)
3. Minimize eating out and fast-food
2. Drink water and other flavored low-calorie beverages early and often
1. EAT a low-fat, high-carbohydrate with protein (4:1 ratio) snack after weightlifting
Great no nonsense tips. Thanks for sharing.
A very informative blog you got here. A rigid work out should be aided by proper food in take to be able to reach your desired body type.
Thanks all for reading; hopefully I can get back on the ball with posting regularly. I'm making my grad student blog this semester, so maybe I should lead by example ;-)
I think your diet chart may help me to gain my weight.
It takes courage and time to reach the goal.
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